
Sunday, April 17, 2005

Let's Talk

I want to have a conversation. I would like to participate in an exchange, because I don't have all the answers. I have theories, but they ask more questions than they answer. I'm cold, and in the dark. But I believe that the friction of dialogue will spark a fire, eventually a blazing bonfire of understanding and clarity about some things.

For instance, if God is omnipotent, what does he need us for? We serve some purpose, we meet, or are suppose to meet, a need in God, that he cannot satisfy for himself. If the Bible is any indication, that need is to be loved. How is God like us, in that very vulnerable, human, empty, co-dependent sense? Do I want a god that is so needy? So insecure?

Am I to believe that there is a hole in God, shaped like me? A space that only I can fill? A longing, a craving, maybe an obsession that God has for me, and you, and each of us? Is it possible that God searches for meaning in his relationship with us, the way we search for purpose in our realationship with him?

How are our own desires like God's? Our expectations?

The big difference between our desires and Gods,I think, is in our estimation of our worthiness. I would assume God never doubts his. I know I doubt mine. But God wants everything, I don't. God wants everybody, I don't. God forsees the manifestation of his sated desires and trusts the outcome. Or does he?



Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

Hi Rock,

That's the whole point of starting the conversation. I don't know if any god exists. I'm not sure, at times, if I really exist. What is god? Who is god? Is there a god? I don't know.

My upbringing was protestant christian, but I've practiced buddhism, neo-paganism, and dabble in science of mind stuff. Still,I'm clueless.

And honey, I'm all about asking the questions. Answers like "because the bible says," or "it's what I believe" or "it's what I've been told" don't actually tell me WHY.

For simplicity's sake, I've chosen to call the unseen intelligent force god. I don't actually know for certain that it is a 'god'. Maybe it's a giant rogue radio wave. Maybe it's a little old man behind a curtain. Maybe it's all of us together. That's why I'm asking.

So Rock, since we're both wondering about the same thing, more or less, what's your theory?


4:45 PM  
Blogger jim said...

i'm pretty sure we made God up (ie, he fills an emotional need for us).

if i'm right, then He's whatever you say He is, so you can just answer your own question(s) however you want. personally, i'd just write in "42" for all of them...


11:55 PM  
Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

Good morning guys,

I agree that we've invented, certainly the God of the Abrahamic traditions, anthropomorphizing this cosmic force--whatever it is--endowing it with omnipotence and thunderbolts and whatnot. But we've also--unwittingly--poked holes in this deity by giving it human emotions, like jealousy, pride, anger, and regret. Doesn't that give the man-behind-the-curtain away?

Also, it's very likely, as Rock suggests, that a superior race of beings have seeded the earth with humans or human/alien hybrids, and that they do in fact check up on us. A lot of belief systems allude to this.

What confounds me about religion is the very fact that none of the teachings have evolved.
The liturgy, which served ancient peoples in their oral traditions, remains the unquestioned canon for an enlightened generation which is no longer served by superstition and myth-as-truth.

If religion we're required to evolve as science has, building upon truths while refuting and discarding what isn't true, well wouldn't that just make too much sense?

Relgion and science originally served the same purpose, to investigate life, phenomena both natural and supernatural, and establish order, a cause and effect logic in the minds of folks.
It investigates the relationship of the seen to the unseen.

While science evolves by continuing to question itself, religion stagnates in a swill of archaic superstition and political agendas.

And until science has answered all of our questions, and it may never, people need to have faith in something I suppose. But better they believe that it's their questions that move them forward, not their obedient acceptence of the ridiculous.

12:15 PM  

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